Saturday, September 27, 2008

Compare acne products

« ...If the adult acne home treatments do not work, you might have to consider getting help from a doctor. This means a prescription of an oral medication designed to treat acne. It can also mean a round of oral antibiotics to kill the infection in the pores. The antibiotics work to get your skin to a place where the cream can take over. Roaccutane is a strong acne medication that is only used for the very severe problems because of the side effects it carries. It is not advised for every adult case of acne....
...Irritation has various effects on Acne condition. It could cause scarring problem, it can cause more Acne to crop up and certainly it slows the healing process making nonsense of all your effort at clearing Acne....»
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«...Some of the best acne treatments are actually free! Using a wet hot towel to open your pores before you wash your face can help tremendously. You can also wash your face right after a shower to get the same results. The hot water helps open up your pores which makes it a lot easier to get rid of oil and dirt. ...»
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tags: best cover up for acne, bad acne scars, rubin soap free acne facial wash

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